
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Best Gift EVAR!

So for my birthday/Christmas HB surprised me with a Kindle Fire.
I was really surprised and a little apprehensive at first because I am a die hard book fan.
I love everything about the written word. I can reread my favorite books 20x's over. They're like wrapping myself up in my favorite blanket and getting lost in the pages.
I love the way books smell and the feel of the crisp pages under my fingers. I adore the soft feel of aged pages that I have read so many times they're memorized.

But I also am enamored with technology lol
So the prospect of a new toy that I could do something new with as well as read on was quite intriguing.

I have to admit the Kindle Fire is BEST freaking gift EVAR!
Omigawd that thing is more addicting then crack!
The amount of free books you can download are intoxicating.
I got it on the 25th and I've already read 16 books!
There are a multitude of cheap books as well .99 to $3.99.
Its a story smorgasbord.
There is every topic I could hope for and then some.

An additional perk is that Netflix works amazing on there as well as Pandora so I can listen to music while I read :::swoon:::

I can't wait for summer time so I can lounge outside and read while Kai plays in her sandbox under the big shade tree.
Its going to be HEAVEN! 

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