The daily adventures Kai, her Mommy Kat and Daddy Charlie (HB). They spend their days exploring the city they live in, experimenting with arts and crafts, and tackling raising an independent 4 year old. Kat is also an artist both on paper and skin. Charlie spends his days figuring out what everyone is crying about and wondering where in the hell all this glitter came from.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Oh But I like CHEESE!
So I have recently discovered that I am Lactose Intolerant.
It started during my short pregnancy this past summer. I couldn't eat anything with Dairy in it without terrible stomach pains and gas.
Well after the miscarriage things eased off so I just figured it was pregnancy induced and didn't think anymore about it.
My dairy cravings come and go so I can go a month without any cheese or milk and then suddenly its all I want!
Well come October I noticed that my stomach was bothering me quite a bit and that I was super bloated all the time!
I cycled through all the causes I could think of and tried a couple elimination diets (gluten, beef, no broccoli) Nada still bloated and uncomfortable.
While I was happy I made some healthy changes to our diets and I get to eat broccoli again I was still perplexed on what was going on.
Then one night HB ordered Toppers Pizza for dinner with extra cheese.
Omigawd I thought I was going to die!
I only made it through one piece and I had to use the bathroom IMMEDIATELY!
I felt like I was camped in there all night! My behind was kinda sore too lol
HB and I sat down to figure out what I had ate that day that he hadn't that would do that to me.
We came up with zilch!
He had ate everything I had that day and he was fine.
Suddenly the light bulb went on. DING!
So over the next couple days I cut out all dairy products (which was so HARD!)
My stomach stopped hurting, I didn't have anymore gas, and I went down a pant size and a half!
I have discovered the miracle pill Lactaid though.
That thing is AMAZING!
When I can't completely control my dairy craving I can pop one of those beauties and eat some ice cream or have a regular yogurt and I'm golden.
I has been so weird adjusting to this!
Once I had stopped all dairy consumption now even the smallest trace can make me miserable. So I make sure to carry some of those wonder pills in my purse and wallet for just in-case.
I have had some wicked dairy cravings too.
I took a pill and chugged half a pint of chocolate milk yesterday. Savage style lol
We live in the dairy State so I think we're going to buying stock in the Lactaid pills :)
I'm now experimenting with Almond and Coconut Milk as a replacement and working on my recipes that include dairy.
Wish me luck!
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