The daily adventures Kai, her Mommy Kat and Daddy Charlie (HB). They spend their days exploring the city they live in, experimenting with arts and crafts, and tackling raising an independent 4 year old. Kat is also an artist both on paper and skin. Charlie spends his days figuring out what everyone is crying about and wondering where in the hell all this glitter came from.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
You can't even read!
Oh my freaking god!
The last week Kai has been acting like 4 going on 14!!
I'm ready to pull my hair out O.o
She is acting like a freaking know-it-all.
She argues with me about everything!
How words are spelled, what they mean, where I'm going, what we're eating... EVERYTHING!
She even argues with me on what words are even after I help her spell it!
On top of that malarkey she has started blatantly ignoring me and trying to order me around!
She has also started trying to do it to my Dad and HB though not nearly as often as me.
One of my friends that has a daughter 2 years older than Kai said that's how the her daughter acts as well.
So apparently the mother daughter relationship dynamic is a double edged blade.
One side you are incredibly close (which is great) and the other side is the daughter is going to ignore and annoy the shit out of you at times.
According to my parents I acted the exact same way when I was 4 so I am paying for my raisin' right now :P
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