
Monday, August 12, 2013

I had no idea!

Going through this miscarriage has been such a learning experience for me. Not only about miscarriages and pregnancy loss but also about infertility. I've also learned a lot about myself.
I've been going through so many changes in the last 2 weeks. I'm changing how I present myself, how I allow myself to be treated even how I react to things. I've also been changing around our apartment.

I got the all clear this weekend that in a few weeks we can start "Trying" again. I'm elated but also scared.

There are so many facets of this part of life that I'm learning about. Not just Miscarriage but also Fertility problems. I've found myself suddenly thrust into the middle of all of this.
My best friend has been diagnosed with PCOS so I am trying to educate myself about that as well so I can be there for her without asking a million questions. There's so much that Dr's don't know its astounding.

I joined an online support group on CafeMom and its so sad and amazing how many women are there that have lost multiple pregnancies.
I realized afterwards that I didn't need to join a online group.
After I made my post on Face Book and on here about the loss of our baby the outpouring of sympathy from my friends, family, and complete strangers was astounding.
So many of people shared with me their sad stories of loss and I had no idea that I would come in contact with so many women who went through the same awful thing.

There are so many things women don't talk about with each other and I really think this is one of them.
I felt so alone going through this despite having an amazing support network at home; then to have people on FB and on here reaching out to me was so touching.

I found out that October is National Pregnancy Loss Month. I plan on doing more this October to spread awareness about it.
I found thing interesting and sad info-graph about the statistics

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